Best Black and Grey Tattoo Artist

Best Black and Grey Tattoo Artist Toronto: Popular Animal Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings

Animals, both domestic and wild, are a popular theme in the tattoo industry. Different animals represent different emotions, feelings or capacity making them a favorite of most tattoo lovers. People seek animals as their preferred art in tattoos to bring out their personality in the tattoo image. That said, here are animal tattoos you may consider ahead of your appointment with the best black and grey tattoo artist Toronto.

The Horse

Whether it is a simple carnival horse or a running royal stallion, a horse is a perfect reflection of beauty and majesty. You can have the whole animal tattooed, or focus on the head only. A horse tattoo is best done on men, using black colour ink to mark the symbol of strength on your body. It is best placed at the back or neck, in small or medium size. While the tattoo is suitable for any skin tone, it is best suited for fair and wheat skin tones.

The Peacock

The bright, colourful bird is a top recommendation by the best black and grey tattoo artists Toronto. It is a perfect reflection of beauty, self-esteem and satisfaction. Additionally, the multiple colours in a peacock are appealing, making you look gorgeous even with minimal dress up. This tattoo option is best suited for women and in colourful ink. It is best done on the sideways of the waist or thighs in large size. Peacock tattoo is suitable for women of all skin tones.

Dog Tattoo

Nothing can be more satisfying for a dog lover than having a tattoo of your fur friend on your skin. This tattoo choice reflects companionship and faithfulness. It can be used by both men and women in black, grey, or brown colours. The arm or of the leg is the best area for the medium-sized tattoo. This tattoo is best for fair skin but can be used on other skin tones in different colours.

There are thousands of animal tattoo options you can choose from. Depending on your skin tone, consult with the best black and grey tattoo artist Toronto to see whether the tattoo design and suitable colours align with your skin tone.

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